
Entity Definition

Logical Name : HouseholdContactDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_HSHLD_CNCT

This table associates contact information with a HOUSEHOLD. This is to clearly distinguish HOUSEHOLD from CUSTOMER (which has related contact information).

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
HouseholdID (FK)(PK) Token identifier for a Household. ID_HSHLD Identity integer HouseholdDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_HSHLD)
ContactMethodTypeCode (PK) A retailer assigned code denoting a method of contacting a Party. Suggested values include: WorkPhone, HomePhone, WorkFax, HomeFax, Mobile, Pager. CD_TYP_CNCT_MTH Code6 char(6)
ContactPurposeTypeCode (PK) A retailer defined code denoting a reason for contacting a Party. CD_TYP_CNCT_PRPS Code2 char(2)
HouseholdName A name assigned by the retailer to a Household for reporting purposes. Typically a household name applied to a collection of Person entities will assume the last name, first name of the PrincipalSubParty. This is not a requirement so retailers may adopt their own convention for assigning names to Household party types. NM_HSHLD String varchar(255)
PrincipalSubPartyFlag Boolean indicator that tells if the SubPartyID in this affiliation is a principle sub party or not. A principle subparty applies to affiliations like households and serves to identify the name and address of the "lead" member for contact purposes. A given household (or any non person group, community or houshold party type) may have one and only one designated PrincipleSubParty. Note that this rule has to be enforced in stored procedures or application code. It is not built into the data model. FL_PRCNPL_SUB_PRTY Number int
PartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Number int
PrincipalPartyMailingName A culturally sensitive version of the person's name that is used when contacting them Examples: Bill Jones, Stuey McGrigor Tryggvi Thordarson NM_PRS_ML String varchar(40)
PartyRoleAssignmentID Token identifier for a PartyRoleAssignmentInstance. ID_PRTY_RO_ASGMT Identity integer
PartyRoleTypeCode A code that identifies a group of PARTY ROLES. This is used for subtyping the PARTY ROLEs. TY_RO_PRTY Code6 char(6)
PartyRoleStatusCode A retailer assigned code denoting the current status of the PartyRoleAssignment. SC_RO_PRTY Code2 char(2)
PartyContactMethodStatusCode A code that indicates if the PartyContactMethod is active or inactive. Values: I = Inactive A = Active SC_PTY_CNCT_MTH Code2Status char(2)
EffectiveDateTime The date from which the contact method is applicable. DC_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
ExpirationDateTime The date until which the contact method is applicable. DC_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime
AddressID A unique system allocated identifier for the Address. ID_ADS Identity int
AddressLine1 The first line of the address, normally the street number and name. A1_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine2 The second line of an address, normally the Flat or Building Suite number. A2_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine3 The third line of the address. A3_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the address. A4_ADS Address varchar(80)
City The city, town or village component of the address CI_CNCT City varchar(30)
Territory The County, State, Province, Territory etc component of the address ST_CNCT State char(2)
PostalCodeID A token identifier for a generic postal code. Postal codes vary in format, structure and content from one country to another. This generic ID ensures that each postal code is unique across ALL COUNTRIES. ID_PSTL_CD IdentityUUID char(32)
EmailAddressID A unique system assigned identifier for an electronic address for sending messages. ID_EM_ADS Identity int
EmailAddressDomainPart The domain portion identifies the point to which the mail is delivered. In the dot-atom form, this is interpreted as an Internet domain name (either a host name or a mail exchanger name) as described in [RFC1034], [RFC1035], and [RFC1123]. In the domain-literal form, the domain is interpreted as the literal Internet address of the particular host. In both cases, how addressing is used and how messages are transported to a particular host is covered in separate documents, such as [RFC5321]. EM_ADS_DMN_PRT EmailAddress varchar(80)
EmailAddressLocalPart The local-part portion is a domain-dependent string. In addresses, it is simply interpreted on the particular host as a name of a particular mailbox. EML_ADS_LOC_PRT EmailAddress varchar(80)
TelephoneID A unique system assigned identifier for this Telephone number ID_PH Identity int
CompleteNumber The complete telephone number including the CountryCode, AreaCode, Telephone Number and ExtensionNumber. PH_CMPL PhoneNumberComplete varchar(32)
SocialNetworkUserID The token ID for a social network user. This is an internal "dumb" unique ID not the user ID appearing in a social network See UserProfileID. ID_SCL_NTWRK_HNDL Identity integer
SocialNetworkID Token ID of the InternetBasedService (i.e. Social Network, Blog, etc.) ID_SCL_NTWRK Identity integer
UserProfileID The name or handle used by the Party when signing into the InternetBasedService ID_SCL_NTWRK_USR DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
HouseholdDimension is contacted through HouseholdContactDimension

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